Tuesday, December 15, 2015

LENS and Life, week of 12/8


(cough)  Zero sites today.  Whether or not the doctor is meaning to do it, I am definitely doing week on, week off for LENS.  My frustration levels (overall) are down, I think.  Stress levels too, although the end of the year likes to be stressful and frustrating.  I'm still kind of wondering what my brain looks like these days, and when the third map will be complete.  Soon, hopefully.

In sleep matters, the expensive supplement (multivitamin style) I've been taking seems to be having less of an effect in recent times.  I had this problem with melatonin as well; it worked well for a few weeks and then the effectiveness kinda tapered off and stopped.  This is one of the reasons I may pester my primary care person to get me into a sleep study... because supplements don't seem to be fixing whatever the problem is.  I'm noticing now that if I fall back asleep after waking up repeatedly, I seem to go right into REM (dream state) rather than doing the stages of sleep like you're supposed to.  The only example I know of doing that is when you're sleep deprived... your brain drops you right into REM, skipping everything else, because that's the type of sleep it needs most.  Hours-wise, I should be getting enough sleep, but if I'm not getting enough REM, that's bad news.  I'm not sure I feel up to tackling the issue this month, though.  Something for the new year, I guess..?  If my health insurance gets renewed properly. 

The ALLCAPS sentences that start this entry are my way of trying to laugh off the Christmas-frenzy and stress.  (Seriously, have you seen the parking lots?  The shopping malls?  Even the grocery stores?)  Even with just needing to shop for my side of the family and a few friends, my brain-gears grind and complain.  Almost everything is done at this point, though.  I pointedly gathered stuff together and did tons of shopping this morning.  Everything should make it well before Christmas.

I still have some extended family on both Chris' side and my side of the family to deal with, but neither of us really know what to get them, so I've asked more knowledgeable minds.  If I'm really lucky, said minds will get back to me within a day or two, and then the only thing I'll have to worry about is friends unexpected friend-gifting.  In other words, the gifts you weren't expecting and have nothing prepared to give in return.  (Yes, that's not how presents are supposed to work; no, that doesn't matter to my brain.)

Ah, crud, I'm not done yet.  I have cards to mail.  I bought handmade cards from a crafter-friend of mine and I need to mail them to people.  Maybe if I do that today, I can be done?  Except it's kinda early to send Christmas cards...  (It's also kinda early to send Christmas presents, but most of them are being shipped to me so I can send them or give them at the appropriate time.)  Blehhh, hanging (waiting) tasks.  Why do you eat my sanity, hanging tasks? 

A lesson I can take from this year's holiday gifting, though: shared experiences are great presents.  They're great because you buy them well ahead of time, they make for great memories, and if you can get a whole group of people in one go, that's an entire group of people you no longer need to care about getting presents for.  Chris and I got one of our shared friend-groups tickets to a symphonic video game music concert.  This was months ago.  The event is now entirely sold out, which does not even slightly surprise me.  However, it counts as 5 presents, and should be a pretty awesome outing.  We'll probably all pile into my minivan and drive up, hang out at the concert, enjoy the music, and perhaps even hang out after the concert at someone's apartment.  Should be a decent present, and a good time.  If I could figure out ways to duplicate this feat, gifting would be much much less frustrating. 

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