Tuesday, July 26, 2016

LENS and Life, week of 7/26/16

No sites yet at all, because as it turns out I'm all but incapable of remembering dates without my calendar.  Last week the doctor was still on vacation, so I turned up and chatted with the person at the desk for a few minutes and then turned myself right around and went home.

I can't decide whether to make good on my threat of going to the doctor if I'm still sick.  I'm still... kinda sick?  But really not.  Up 'til basically a couple days ago, my nose just wouldn't quite work properly.  It'd mostly work, then it'd run for a bit, then it'd work again.  The result being that I needed a tissue at random points for a very small amount of snot.  Which was really not worth the tissue.  In addition, I've been dry coughing.  But with less and less frequency as time goes by.  The major issue is that it's still going, and it's been something like three weeks.  That's a bit long for a cold.  My dad, whom I worry I got sick, apparently developed bronchitis.  So, uh.  That could be a thing.  I really hope not.

I saw my dad, along with many of my other relatives, this weekend.  It was nice to see my cousin and her husband (also my cousin, I guess.  By marrying my cousin, he effectively doubled my number of cousins.  Yay.  I should thank him for that, it'd probably amuse him.).  He's also a gamer, and a fun character at that.  I only got to meet him a few months ago, at the last funeral, despite that he and my cousin have been married for well over 5 years.

In any case, the members of that side of the family gathered for the funeral and for together time.  My nephew is growing, slowly but surely.  He's just over a year now, which means I've got maybe a year or two before he starts storing memories properly, such that they'll be accessible to him when he's grown up.  I still don't think I'm a very good aunt.  But I guess I get points with his parents for not being disappointed that he's a he.  Apparently one of my nephew's other uncles/aunts did that.  Probably partly in jest.  I hope.

The funeral was a pretty standard Episcopalian affair.  I think the pastor may have been ill, but he made a good effort and it didn't disrupt the service any.  My father saw fit to include a distinctly non-Episcopalian call to follow Christ, mid-family remembrances in the funeral.  He explained his rationale- that this is one of the few chances people may have to hear the message, and that it's very relevant here, since we, the believing family, need not think my grandmother's life is over, and that she is now gone forever and we'll never see her again.  Given that she was an avid and loving believer, we can pretty safely assume, if our beliefs are correct, that she is in heaven with God and her husband, and having a much nicer time than she was on Earth.  The rationale was good, the speech just made me uneasy.  I wasn't the intended audience anyway, though, so hopefully it did some good with those it was meant for.

I dunno.  I try to keep my beliefs out of this blog for the most part, but I probably shouldn't.  They're kind of part of who I am.  Maybe I should detail them in a post and refer back to it as necessary or if things change.  I suppose I'm also nervous about it because I don't entirely follow my church or my parents' beliefs, particularly on several rather important points.  I should probably get over myself, though.  None of us knows whether our theology is correct until we die, and it's probably fair to assume that everyone is going to be surprised on the last day.  My deviating from established theology isn't going to end the world.

I'll think on it.

In other news, my tablet is still broken.  The shop tried two parts to fix the screen, and they didn't work.  So while it makes noise for notifications of various things, it still shows me nothing.  I'm discouraged.  And still metaphorically armless.  I have to figure out what to do, though. The repair is expensive, and this is actually the second time this tablet has broken in this way.  While the Internet seems to think it's one of the more durable tablets on the market, my experience hasn't borne that out.

I am, needless to say, frustrated.  I've managed to make all my appointments so far, but a few of them were by the skin of my teeth.  I still can't play Pokemon GO, so I'm not exercising.  I'm missing my library, my music, my ability to make phone calls on the go, my mobile check-depositing app, my on-the-go access to the Internet...

I'm probably going to opt to shell out for the repair, but then I'm going to start scoping out replacements.  I should be able to back up the data, but I can only assume the dratted thing will break sooner or later, again.

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