Tuesday, July 12, 2016

LENS and Life, week of 7/12/16

No sites last week or this week, because I missed my appointment due to being in Detroit and now my doctor is on a much-needed vacation.  Go figure.  I should be fine for the next couple weeks, but I ran out of my vitamin D supplement, which worries me some.

But not a lot, because Pokemon GO finally came out and the result has been that I've gone for a walk for three days in a row.  Despite being lung-hackingly sick.  Surely I've gotten at least a little vitamin D with all that walking.

But seriously, I am pretty sick.  I was running a fever earlier and my nose, ears, and throat are misbehaving in the most inconvenient ways despite the medicine.  I'm supposed to be in Lansing later today for a meeting regarding state disability, but I might see if they'd rather I stay home.  I'm pretty sure this stuff is still contagious, and there's only so much handwashing and hand-sanitizering I can do.

The illness is kind of icing on the crap-cake, because I am now minus one grandma.  I now have exactly one living grandparent.  Also, I now have personal experience with the shade of flesh spoken of in books as "corpse-like."  I'm kind of on the fence about whether I'm okay with having that experience.  I was more or less onhand when my grandmother passed away, but the aide saw the signs that she was very close to death a mile away, which is one of the reasons everyone was gathered there.

I just realized I don't really have a lot to say on the matter that isn't either A) Too Much Information (some people are twitchy about death), B) possibly upsetting to my family, or C) both.  So, um, we can say it was an experience, and one I'm not over-interested in repeating.  I believe my remaining grandmother has stated she would like to die quickly and painlessly, preferably in her sleep, and after seeing my other grandma's route, which was a years-long slow deterioration of body and mind... I kinda can't disagree, even though I'm pretty sure the faster the death, the more painful the parting for those left behind.

In addition to the trip to Lansing, I'm also going to be attending the funeral in a weekend or two.  Normally you'd do the funeral service pretty shortly after the death of the person, but in this case the pastor is out of the country.  Apparently literally everyone vacations in July and August.  The pastor is gone, my doctor is gone, my uncle's doctor in Detroit is gone...

Clearly I missed the vacation-time memo, and now I have to take my vacation in November (ha.  Hahahaha.  Ha....  So many wedding preparations... T_T). 

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