Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Legwork and Life, week of 8/7/19

This is Legwork and Life, where I track the legwork and opportunities in my career as an autistic advocate, and also describe parts of my adult autistic life, including my perspectives on everyday problems and situations.

My wifi experiments are bearing some fruit.  I can't say I feel all that much better rested yet (haven't been sleeping enough), but when I shut off the wifi at night, it feels almost like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  This has happened every time I've turned it off for the night, which... I mean, I could be imagining it, that's definitely possible... but I feel like if I was going to confirmation-bias-hallucinate something, it'd be something more akin to "feeling less brain buzzing" or something.  

So I don't know, it's potentially beneficial anyway.  Still trying to decide whether it's worth the annoyance of having to have my data plan on while reading in bed.  I like checking my webcomics and reading research articles before going to bed, but that has to be done on the data plan if I don't have wifi available.  

Finally, regarding the wifi/dirty electricity experiments, I still haven't moved my bed away from the smart electricity meter yet... maybe I can do that this week, with my spouse's agreement.  It's his house and bed too, after all.  

And because my supplementation regimen isn't complicated enough/I still have problems, I've added something new to my lineup.  I'm biologically female, and therefore suffer periods roughly once a month.  Keyword here is "suffer."  Apparently curling into a miserable ball for a couple days a month is not supposed to happen.  Discomfort is expected, misery is not.  So I've started on a (my) doctor-recommended supplement, which will hopefully, in a month or so, make my periods less misery-inducing.

I don't, as a rule, have any particular feelings about my biological sex or anyone else's, but at least once a month, I resent my internal organs' ability to cripple me for a time.  As I imagine anyone else might resent something if it disabled them with such regularity.  Hormones end up being the issue.  I have unstable, non-clockwork hormones, for some reason.  This supplement will regulate those hormones, but in a way that doesn't add any more to my system the way birth control does. 

I've always been kind of leery of hormonal birth control, and as it turns out, that was a good thing.  Apparently hormonal birth control can come with some really "fun" side effects, particularly for a system as sensitive as mine.  I'm very uninterested in massive mood swings, any additional weight gain, soreness, nausea, or any messing around with my libido. 

This supplement isn't hormonal, but the herb it's mainly made of is apparently involved in supporting the hormonal cycle.  So I guess we'll see.  

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