Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Legwork and Life, week of 8/28/19

This is Legwork and Life, where I track the legwork and opportunities in my career as an autistic advocate, and also describe parts of my adult autistic life, including my perspectives on everyday problems and situations.

My bicycle works!  While the good weather lasts, I'm going to try to bike instead of drive for short trips, like when I take library books back, or when visiting my parents.  This has actually come up time and time again in my research queues as a major life improvement.  I don't have a whole lot of places I normally go within biking distance, but on the other hand, even a little bit helps.

I picked up a cargo rack, so I could also do small amounts of grocery shopping at the local "fresh produce, flowers, specialty foods, and etc" store.  Even without the rack, I can still make the trip, but I'm limited to whatever I can carry on my back.  It also has the distinct danger of getting squished, which, if it's fresh fruit, really isn't optimal.  Having a container bungie-corded to a cargo rack would potentially solve that problem, especially if the container was padded.  

At any rate, I dosed myself up with vitamin C and biked off to my parents' a couple days ago.  I'm not sure I let it absorb long enough before doing the trip, to be honest.  I think it was only like 5-10 minutes before I started off, and I got pretty huffy, grumpy, and red in the face.  I think next time I should give it an hour, which was what my doctor suggested in the first place...

The whole high-histamine theory seems so probable and so promising for my exercise woes, to be honest.  I really want to give it the best possible shot, to see if it's right.  The trip not seeming any different was a little bit of a setback to me, but admittedly, I hadn't eaten, and I likely hadn't given the vitamin C long enough to absorb in...  So I'm not going to give up on it yet.  I do wish I had clearer evidence.  Anyone would, I think.  I hate all this guesswork and trying things one at a time and hoping for clear results.  

Speaking of adverse reactions, the maca root rash still hasn't entirely gone away, so that's on hold until I feel like I've detoxified as much as I'm going to manage.  My period is definitely on the way, and I have no idea if the 10ish days I took the maca are going to affect it.  I'm hoping yes, in a positive way, but with my luck, it'll be probably be "yes, very negatively."  

Nothing terribly exciting on the government grant review end of things yet.  They're still mostly doing preliminary setup, registration, and assignments.  I have my assignments, but haven't looked at them because I'm afraid to find out whether one particular dud of an application is on there.  The jury is out on whether it'd be a good thing if it was, so I could give it the chewing out it deserves, or a bad thing because the application irritates me so much.  

Sadly the applications aren't the only major irritants in my life at the moment.  I'm reading a particular book in hopes of reviewing it for this blog.  It's starting to look like a book I can't honestly recommend to anyone, but I might still review it just to point out how glaringly wrong it is.  

In the meantime, I'm re-learning the value of taking things in small pieces, so I don't have a fury-induced meltdown.  It should be a good and valuable post, assuming I can avoid said meltdown and also maybe being too vicious about my criticism.  

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