Tuesday, May 26, 2015

LENS/status report: week of 5/19

Nothing fancy to report this week.  My circumstances keep getting more stressful, but I don't think any of it can be attributed to the LENS.  I'm supposed to be getting trained at work for the things my coworker knows how to do, but between her taking time off and my boss being extra busy, that's not happening.  I'm piecing together what I can, and quietly dreading the rest.  My boss' boss is not very tolerant of mistakes, so when my coworker leaves, I can expect to not have a pleasant week for at least a month. 

New and exciting development, though (sarcasm): my guts seem to have taken exception to something I'm eating.  They've been giving me issues for the last week or so.  I'm trying to figure out what precisely they don't like.  Right now I'm operating on the assumption that it's processed sugar, based on the fact that this started after I treated myself to a fountain drink at a restaurant.  I hope it's just processed sugar.  My mother has had a lot of dietary issues stemming from a yeast infection in the last few years, and it's making her work overtime on meal planning and cooking.  It's really hard for her, a woman who successfully fed two kids and a husband for years.  If I end up having the same issues, I'll either become a genius chef, or more likely combust/go broke from the stress and effort.  It's weird to be praying that your body has just rejected processed sugar, given that sugar is in practically everything. 

New and exciting development that isn't horrible: with the help of a friend, I've registered www.realisticautistic.com and www.therealisticautistic.com .  Both those domains now forward to this BlogSpot blog.  This means I can make business cards.  It also means that if I ever take my blog off BlogSpot and put it on, say, Wordpress or some other place, anyone with those .com addresses won't need to update their bookmarks.  They'll always end up at the right place. 

I also had a slightly scary lesson in Internet safety.  Those domains came with a free year of WhoIs Guard.  Apparently if you know the right places or have the right software, you can submit a query using the website's URL and receive information about a given website... such as the mailing address, phone number, and name of the person who registered that website.  Yeeg.  Thankfully, my friend was able to educate me on how that works and how to stay safe from it.  So I'm covered there. 

Now I have to make business cards.  But before I make business cards, I have to figure out a logo.  I'm a little stuck on that.  Most autism-related logos incorporate puzzle pieces.  I find those puzzle pieces kind of annoying because they're the standard puzzle piece shape, and people on the spectrum, if we were puzzle pieces, would be those crazy weird shaped pieces you boggle at when you pull them out of the box.  Like, "where the heck would this even go?!"  But if you hunt long and hard enough, you'll find that it does in fact fit somewhere, neatly and tidily with the pieces around it. 

Hmm, I think I just accidentally invented a metaphor.  I've no idea if I can make that into a logo, but I guess it'd be worth trying. 

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