Friday, February 2, 2018

Worth Your Read: Choosing Supports While Keeping Autonomy

I'm not sure how often this will happen, but as I get more tied into the disability and autism community, I occasionally run into articles that I don't have a lot to say on, but I do think are very worth your time. 

This particular article is most relevant for parents and more heavily affected autistic people, as it's one autistic person's guide to sorting out support services by whether they give a crap about a basic human right: autonomy. Whether you're neurotypical or heavily-affected with many difficulties and disabilities, all people need some control over their lives. 

Disabled people are often assumed to be like children in that even with adult bodies, brains, and sex drives, they're expected to give up control of their lives and do whatever they're told, irrespective of their interests, ideas, hopes, and dreams.  This is cruel and thoughtless, and one of the reasons mental institutions tend to be evil relics of the past.  Even if the person isn't capable of managing their affairs entirely, it's imperative to keep as much control of their lives in their hands as possible.  Otherwise, psychology is quite clear about what happens to people (autistic or neurotypical) without control over their lives: we get fearful, depressed, miserable, angry, and even violent.  This is not what you want for yourself or your child, if you care at all about their happiness.

So, all that said, the guide, from Thinking Person's Guide to Autism.


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