Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Legwork and Life, week of 3/13/19

This is Legwork and Life, where I track the legwork and opportunities in my career as an autistic advocate, and also describe parts of my adult autistic life, including my perspectives on everyday problems and situations.

The fatigue from the last few weeks has either gone away or I've adjusted to it so I don't notice it.  Not really sure which, but hoping for the former.  I'm still tired, but that's more likely because daylight savings just kicked in, we lost an hour, and I was up until 1am for an unrelated reason.  On the whole, I wish daylight savings wasn't a thing.  It's kind of petty, but I don't appreciate having to adjust my non-Internet clocks (which includes my thermostat and my car's clock), twice a year.  

Other than that, things are going.  No apparent blood pressure/sugar/I don't even know weirdnesses.  No exciting doom-headaches or mis-aligned spines.  I'm a bit distracted from my regular work and leisure gaming with a couple pet projects in other games.  One of those projects is going to make for a sweet birthday present in a few months, so that's pretty cool.  In very brief: there's an old computer game that I loved, and so did someone else.  Its soundtrack is good, but basically lost to modern audiences.  So, using a lot of metaphorical duct tape, time, effort, and frustration, I've gotten the game to run on a modern device using an emulator.  I'm now painstakingly recording the soundtrack in .mp3 format.  I can then burn that soundtrack to a CD, and voilĂ , present!  

Related to #2 on my year's goals, I'm catching up on the podcast!  I'm within three months of the current episodes.  This is particularly good because my podcast-loving friend keeps finding more podcasts I think would be helpful for this blog and for my personal development.  I think I've gotten at least two more recommendations since the beginning of the year, and those are the strictly "highly useful and important" category, rather than "hey, this is funny," or "this is cool and interesting but not highly relevant to my life right now" categories.  I have to carefully make those distinctions because I only have so much time in a week, and adding more things to manage can quickly overwhelm me.    

I guess there's a serious argument to be made regarding self-care, and making time for those things that I'd normally consider non-essential.  We'll see what happens when I get caught up with the first podcast, and try adding in the latest episodes of the others.  

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