Tuesday, February 9, 2016

LENS and Life, week of 2/2/16

Two sites today.  Last Friday's entry explains the fun times I had with the first one. 

The Ethiopian restaurant mentioned in the last entry is pretty good.  We didn't get to try it out for a moving treat, like I thought we would, but we did get to it eventually.  This last weekend ended up involving a lot more people than I thought it would. 

On Friday after Chris got out of work, we met some friends at the restaurant and proceeded to have about the lengthiest restaurant experience I've ever seen.  Apparently this is not a place to go on a time limit.  Anyway, I opted for the vegetarian combo again, and received a plate that was basically identical to the one I got at the other place.  I still don't care for one of the green things.  The rest was pretty good, though.  I have leftovers yet, which I should probably devour.

After the restaurant, we had to skip the middle event (going to Gamestop to snag an event Pokemon- Mew) to hurry to the final event of the night: a symphony orchestral concert.  I mentioned this way back in December, but instead of buying normal presents for some of our friends, Chris and I opted to buy everyone tickets to a concert.  Normally that would be kind of weird, but this was specifically a video game (Pokemon) music concert, done in full orchestra.  The results were pretty spectacular.  As a present, it was a little pricey, but it did end up being a fun experience. 

Saturday and Sunday
We flailed, unpacked and arranged stuff, and made preparations to have a couple of our friends over.  We've been watching what are called "Let's Play"s.  Basically, people make videos of themselves playing computer or video games so other people can watch the game and be entertained by any commentary the video person has to offer.  Chris and I had been looking for a good person to watch play a particular game, Metal Gear Solid 3, but had no luck. 

As it happens, we have friends who're very much fans of that series, so we asked them if they might play through the game for us.  They kindly agreed.  So they toted themselves and their game system over, and in return, we fed them a meal of stir fry over brown rice and quinoa.  It turned out that the game was a very long affair, so we ended up visiting them the next day to finish the game.  They kindly fed us spaghetti (with whole grain noodles!)  As is my tendency, I brought the ground meat for the dish. 

I have that tendency because the meat I tend to opt for is more expensive and more of a pain to get than what's easily available in the super market.  My friends, by and large, are all on very tight budgets.  Not because they're bad at money, or can't get jobs, but because they're all saddled with lots of student debt (and most jobs college graduates can get these days don't pay nearly enough to quickly destroy $50k+ of debt, while paying all normal living expenses).  It's hardly fair to ask them to spend extra money just to feed me. 

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