Friday, October 26, 2018

WYR: Don't Mourn The Living

This piece is unusual in that it's actually quite old.  It was originally published in 1993, which is remarkable to me because A) that's about the year Asperger's Syndrome ("high-functioning autism") started being recognized in the US, and B) I was in early elementary school at the time, and was yet to suffer more than two decades of people not understanding what this article is describing.

Like most of what's out there regarding autism, this is directed towards parents.  It's long, so I won't take up too much space here in hopes you'll read the whole thing.  I don't think there's a single sentence or sentiment in the entire article that I disagree with, though.  Which is quite a feat, considering the sentiments expressed here are 25 years old, and a lot can change in a quarter century.

Please, take these words to heart.  

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