I mentioned last week that I cut my hair, but didn't give you a picture because it wasn't blue yet. I can't seem to get a decent picture to save my life, but here you go:

The color's hard to see in the picture, but it's mostly blue with a bit of purple, and very, very dark. I'm hoping it'll lighten up a bit as it wears and gets washed and such. But if it doesn't, I can always have the student try a different dye blend, I guess. In case you were unfamiliar, that is a lot of hair gone. Here's a small picture of most of the shorn hair...
I've been surprised by the reactions I've gotten to the change, to be honest. I think my parents' was the most negative, which is to say they seemed more bewildered than supportive. They're good people, though, they'll adjust. Everyone else, including my spouse, my chiropractor, and several older people at church, reacted positively. I know in this situation that's... basically the only polite thing to do, but at least to my eyes, the compliments and smiles seemed genuine. I'm autistic, though, and automatically bad at people, so maybe I'm just seeing what I faintly hoped but didn't really expect to see.
In less cheery news, I'm about out of patience with my Self Advocates of Michigan responsibilities. I think I've mentioned being grumpy about this before, but one of my committee members basically can't seem to do anything or take any kind of responsibility without excessive oversight. Since we on this board are all over the age of 18, and I didn't sign up to be someone's mother, I'm intensely frustrated and pretty much ready to leave the board. I'm giving the DD Council's support personnel a month to straighten this out, and then I'm done. They're lovely people, and I mostly don't have issues working with the rest of the board, but I flatly, utterly, refuse to do one iota more than is reasonable. I'm already juggling my own life, which is still challenging all by itself. I'm not going to pour my energy into a project that wastes it.
I've been listening to a lot of podcasts lately in an effort to cheer up in light of the Senate's utter failure at providing healthcare for its constituants. I've called both my Senators, but they're both Democrats and both already said they're not going to support the bill. Short of bankrupting myself to go to Washington DC and join the "die in", I kind of feel helpless and powerless to stop this cruel and destructive oligarchic monstrosity.
The podcasts have given me practice in understanding how my brain processes words. Podcasts, of course, are like radio talk shows. So there's often someone talking while I'm listening, and while I'm listening, I'm also trying to do other things. I've mentioned before that words have a priority lane in my brain. If someone's talking, I probably can't focus on anything else that includes words. Exceptions are muscle memory, so I can walk and listen, or exercise and listen, or play a computer game and listen. But I'm presently trying to listen to a podcast and write this entry, and... it's working, but... not well. I presume this is a skill I could work on.
The medical gatorade stuff from last entry continues to work. I'm fiddling with proper dilution rates at present. At first, I'd just been trying 32 ounces of water with the powder, and that didn't seem to be enough water. I'd supplement with regular water, but then I'd just be going to the bathroom a bunch again. A couple days ago I tried mixing it into 64 ounces of water, but that seems like it was too much water. I spent a good period of time using the bathroom, at least by the end. Today I'm trying 48 ounces, evenly mixed. We'll see how that goes. Regardless, I've definitely noticed an improvement in my hydration. Yay.
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