Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Legwork and Life, week of 4/18/17

I mentioned last week that I'd been having problems with back soreness, and that I'd pestered the chiropractor about it, since this was because of them.  On their recommendation, I'd changed my pillow setup such that my neck was only supported by a towel, and received awful lower back pain as my reward.  They'd suggested putting a pillow under my knees, because hamstrings, and last week I'd mentioned that I'd developed soreness in the middle of the back instead of the lower back.  I figured out what was going on!

I sleep in two positions over the night.  Mostly, I sleep on my back, but I also sleep on my side when my back gets to feeling too "flat."  It's after I shift over to sleeping on my side that the back pain happens.  Which, if I'm understanding the stuff online properly, is predictable.  I should be putting a pillow under my side if I'm going to sleep like that.  I'm not really sure how to deal with this situation, since I hardly want to plan on waking up entirely, reaching down next to the bed for a pillow, putting it under my side, and then trying to get back to sleep.  Every night. 

But at this point the relationship between side sleeping and sore back is clear.  I sleep lightly enough that I'm aware of every time I flip over, and I recognize that my back only hurts in the morning after I've turned on my side for a length of time.  I'm not really sure how to make that not an issue.  I started out as a front-sleeper, so I'm already treading on difficult terrain with trying to modify my sleep further.  For the possibility of less chiropractic work and fewer headaches, though, it should be worth it...

On a happier and much less work-intensive note, my glasses seem to be fine.  I appear to be hyper-sensitive to changes (and really, everything, let's be honest), so I'd complained and worried that my new glasses weren't going to work out despite that they were the same prescription.  I'd been having trouble melding both eyes' fields of vision together after about 20 feet.  It was disconcerting, to say the least, with my vision being unable to focus properly on signs with small print and such.  But they say to give it a couple days to adjust, and that was about what it took.  Now they're fine and I have no problems with using them.  I might even have problems if I tried putting on the old glasses!

Spring has definitely sprung around here.   It's warm and sunny outside, so yesterday I fixed up my bike so I could take it out to a safe-ish place.  I'm feeling the pressure to get out of the apartment moreso than I would normally, because my apartment building smells like mold.  Lots and lots of mold.  I chatted with the maintenance staff here, and they say there's crack in the foundation of this building somewhere, but they're not sure where so they can't fix it.  So basically, every time it rains heavily, I should expect the building to stink horribly for the next week or so. 

Sounds like a good reason to leave, right?  I can only hope, anyway... 

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