No sites this week yet. Probably one site again tomorrow.
I've dropped down to taking the B vitamins every other day, on advice from the doctor. She suspects my sleeplessness was probably just my system adjusting, but just to be safe, I'm going to keep it at every other day for a bit.
This weekend was a little more intensive physically than most. Chris and I had been meaning to get a gaming center together, so we could have our various consoles available for guests. The limiting factor was the stand for the TV. Chris was very picky about what it would look like and how tall it should be. So the project fell by the wayside for awhile. But this weekend, we finally found a suitable piece of furniture.
There are a number of places in this area to go for secondhand, and thus inexpensive, furniture, but the Habitat for Humanity ReStore is basically the best, hands down, for deals. We walked away with a suitable desk, to the tune of $8. Two catches: the desk is solid wood, and it was extra-dusty. The solid wood part was the harder of those two problems.
You may recall that we live on the third floor. This affords us numerous advantages, not the least of which is the impressive lack of ants and spiders. It does, however, mean having to haul each and every furniture piece up three flights of stairs. With a solid wood desk, that was not happening by hand. We tried, very hard. But there's a certain amount of hopelessness and weakness I'm familiar with, that basically tells me that no matter how hard I try to bruteforce my muscles into obeying, they're not going to manage a task. And this was one of those instances.
So now we had a solid wood desk, and no way to get it up 3 flights of stairs. We needed help. None was forthcoming, however, and when we asked, the maintenance guy wasn't allowed to lend us his help or his hand-truck. However, Home Depot would rent us one, for a small fee. The hand-truck's wheels weren't quite big enough, but with one of us pulling forward and the other pushing up, we managed to haul the enormously heavy thing up all the stairs. I then spent about half an hour cleaning dust and bug bits off it.
We finally got it set up yesterday:

The mat there in front of the desk is a DDR pad. Basically, a specialized game controller meant to be used with your feet. Because DDR stands for Dance Dance Revolution, and the aim of the game is to get you moving to music.
This is, most likely, going to replace trips to the gym. I feel a bit less comfortable going jogging in my new neighborhood (not that I was ever really comfortable in my old one), so this will be an option for days when I really just can't make myself go outside/elsewhere. Today, for instance. Well. Maybe today more qualifies as, "but I just got the DDR set up and haven't touched it in a year! I must regain my lost skills!"
Just like roller skating or biking, you relearn how to do DDR relatively quickly, but there is a period in which you are still very rusty yet know you could be doing so much better. That's about where I am right now.
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