Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Legwork and Life, week of 4/17/19

This is Legwork and Life, where I track the legwork and opportunities in my career as an autistic advocate, and also describe parts of my adult autistic life, including my perspectives on everyday problems and situations.

I mentioned last week that I'd picked up a meditation app.  I'm still working with that, but I'm finding my posture is a very seriously off... and also that bad habits are very hard to break.  I hear there are things you can use that'll help monitor your posture, basically beeping at you when you get too far off a healthy position.  I dunno if I want to get one of those, but it'd probably help, anyway.  

In other news, I seem to be basically recovered from whatever was making me ill.  It just sort of faded away until I didn't notice it any more.  I guess that's how that happens sometimes.  In the meantime, though, the weather was obnoxious and opted to pretend it was winter for a bit longer.  So I haven't been able to get out and bike again yet.  

Just yesterday, though, it warmed sufficiently for me to go foraging with my friend for the first time!  The haul: 

This is field garlic.  We didn't gather a whole lot, because it's wise to try just a bit of a new food before eating a ton of it.  But in this case, it's pretty much just like green onions, so I'm not too worried.  I'm more concerned that I won't finish it before it rots, honestly.  But I guess it's an invasive species in this area, so if it rots, it's not really the end of the world.  

I had kind of an interesting experience aside from going foraging yesterday, also.  I was developing the precursor to a tension headache due to stress and shoulder misalignment, and I happened to A) have peppermint oil around and B) remember my doctor insisted it was excellent for headaches.  So I put some on the back of my neck and a bit above my upper lip.  Basically as soon as I had done that, my headache stopped.  

It was so sudden, I was startled.  Though appreciative, obviously.  I looked it up later, and it seems you're supposed to mix the peppermint oil with coconut, olive, or some other less reactive oil before applying it to your skin.  Otherwise you can get rashes or have breathing difficulties or other things.  Still, considering I needed to run out the door shortly after that, it was a really nice find.  I have a couple bottles of peppermint essential oil, so the next time I get a tension headache, I guess I'll know what to try first.  Works way faster than regular painkillers, too.  

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