Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Legwork and Life, week of 12/12/18

This is Legwork and Life, where I track the legwork and opportunities in my career as an autistic advocate, and also describe parts of my adult autistic life, including my perspectives on everyday problems and situations.

Hello from my house, which has been thoroughly inspected for visible mold, and no luck.  My mother (who is very sensitive to mold) volunteered some of her time to sniff around the house in hopes of finding the mold or other environmental factor I was complaining about last week.  Nothing smelled off to her, which is good because it probably means there isn't any mold.  But it's bad, too, because it leaves a giant question mark for why I'm feeling off.  

Fortunately, that's what my doctor is for.  Her suggestions for other factors included investing in an air purifier, getting allergy tests done (to see if I'm allergic to pollen, pet dander, dust, etc), and surprisingly, moving the wireless router to another room.  

I'm still getting the specifics on the lattermost idea, but it's probably worth trying any or all of these.  We already have an air purifier, which I've set up to point roughly over my shoulder.  I should therefore be breathing mostly purified air.  I have no idea if the filter inside the air purifier is a HEPA filter, though, so it's uncertain how much good this will do me.  

The allergy tests are something I've been meaning to have done anyway.  We were thinking about adopting a dog or a cat or something, but before we do that, I want to be sure I'm not allergic.  It'd be terrible to adopt a critter and then find out that although we just vowed to take care of it for the rest of its life, I actually can't be around it without compromising my health.  Finding out whether I'm allergic to dust, like my mother is, would also be valuable.  

I'm not 100% sure what to do with the router situation.  I can definitely put it on a timer, so it turns off at night and back on in the morning without needing to worry about it.  But there's only so many places to put the router, and I don't want to move it nearer the bedroom.  But I also still need the wireless signal to be accessible in the house.  It's a frustrating situation.  

Hopefully my spouse and I can figure something out soonish, and get measurable results.  If I could feel better every day, I'd really like to.  

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