Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Legwork and Life, week of 7/18/18

My back problems seem to have cleared up, thanks to two rounds at the chiropractor, lots of rest, and some stretching.  It took over two weeks, though, which is not terribly heartening for my future problems.  But at least it seems to be over, and I can move my neck without fearing I'll break something. 

This is a really good thing, because I went to get my hair re-dyed on Monday.  To get my hair its sapphire shade, I actually have to have my head in the wash bowl three separate times.  And unfortunately the place I have this done, does not have very comfortable wash bowls.  Like, "can-cause-neck-injuries-by-themselves" uncomfortable.  I am not a fan.  But, my hair is blue and short again AND I don't seem to have re-injured my neck.  Very happy about this. 

Even though I'm disheartened about the whole fasting and exercise routine, I'm still keeping it up pretty religiously.  I've felt kind of foggy and tired over the last week or so, which makes me wonder if the two are related.  But I do actually see at least one apparent effect from the intermittent fasting thing.  My stomach size seems to be shrinking.

I've always had kind of a large stomach, and it's very flexible to boot.  I can generally just keep putting food in it, and it'll stretch to accommodate whatever.  Recently?  That's less the case.  I think the stomach is still stretchy, but I feel full faster and don't seem to feel the need to eat as much.   I'm still waiting to see if this is going to end up in weight loss, or just a reduction in how much I eat.  Also waiting to see if my body's going to get angry at me for not getting enough nutrition.  I'm taking my supplements, which include a lot of vitamins and minerals, but that's really not a replacement for eating proper food.  I'm not going to magically be healthy if I eat snack food but make sure to take my supplements. 

So yeah, I don't know.  Something is happening.  Remains to be seen what exactly, still. 

Exercise-related, I've been playing more Pokemon GO recently.  Chris and I are getting back into it a bit since they finally added a friends option and trading (two fundamental parts of a Pokemon game).  This is helped along by the fact that there's literally a park within a mile of my house, and I can bike there in less than five minutes.  So while I've kept with my 5 day a week exercise, I've also occasionally just been snagging my bike and going down to the park for a few minutes.  It's not, like... really hard exercise or anything, but it's still extra exercise.  Also extra vitamin D from all that sunshine I've been accidentally absorbing. 

I don't have a really awesome tan or anything, but I basically just don't use sunscreen when I go out.  No burns yet, so I think I'm probably okay.  One of the major problems with my blood tests last year was low vitamin D.  With luck, this year I'll have higher results.  I'm going to guess they still won't be high enough to be healthy, but surely with all that sunlight and my regular supplements, they've got to be higher, right? 

Lastly, I ran across a new webcomic a couple days ago, which has proceeded to hijack much of my focus.  It's called Wilde Life, and is something like a cross between fantasy, slice of life, and horror.  I like fantasy type things, and the characters in the comic are very realistically made and intriguing.  I'm still trying to quantify exactly why the comic is so fascinating to me, but regardless, I've read it twice already and am working on a third read with the reader comments. 

I read a lot of webcomics, though I pruned down my reading list from over 100 of them to something more like 30 a few years ago.  So this one will definitely get added to the reading list, and I'll hopefully enjoy it for years to come. 

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