Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Legwork and Life, week of 7/11/18

Hooray, the 4th is over, and the amount of fireworks going off at night is going down!  It's the point where I can almost count them on two hands each night instead of simply waiting in pained, expectant silence for the next one.  I wasn't able to see the closest fireworks show from the house, but some of our neighbors opted to let off relatively big fireworks of their own, so I didn't entirely miss out on seeing the fireworks this year.

It sounds like next year, my spouse and I could probably just go visit my parents.  Seems they had a pretty good view of the nearest fireworks show, and from the comfort of their apartment, too.  I could also see about simply biking over to the town hall area, which is less than a mile away, and just being right there at the show, I guess.  I think I might need to get better ear protection if I do that.

This week, my biking routine added injury to insult.  (I used that backwards on purpose, yes.)  I'm still not losing weight, but exactly a week ago, I somehow managed to pull a neck muscle while doing my head-checks to make sure I wasn't running over any pedestrians or cutting in front of them too closely.  It was the 4th last week, and there was a parade and such on the day.  Parade-goers walk on bike paths, but unlike normal pedestrians on bike paths, they don't understand that if someone says "on your left!" it means, "I'm approaching to pass you on your left side, please move to the right and don't startle when I zoom by you."

So I ended up doing a lot of twisting my neck to one side or the other, and without so much as a warning, the next day, my neck hurt like heck.  I left it alone for a few days, figuring that I'm still fairly young and it'd probably heal itself.  That was a mistake, apparently...  it only proceeded to get worse.  On Sunday night, I had trouble getting to sleep due to it hurting so much, so I went to the chiropractor first thing on Monday and got my neck readjusted.  The theory is that it helped, but I woke up yesterday just as stiff and sore...  It is, needless to say, frustrating.  I have an appointment again today, where they will hopefully shove the dratted thing back into place again and it'll keep this time.

In the meantime, I continue to find myself holding my head at an awkward angle: slightly sideways toward my right shoulder, and twisted left so I'm still kind of facing front.  I suspect this is the position that jars my neck least when walking and such, but it's somewhat befuddling that I keep returning to it without even noticing.  I'll try to straighten out my neck and face forward, and sometimes literally seconds later, I'll find myself at the twisted angle again.  It's awkward.  It probably looks really weird, too, so it kind of surprises me that my spouse hasn't said anything.

The other major "bleh" issue is that I seem to be slightly allergic to the algae that's growing in the pond out back.  Maybe I should say "infesting" rather than growing.  The pond is now more algae than it isn't, and the stuff is the color of dirty sea foam.  I'm hoping the homeowner's association will be paying to clean it out a bit, soon.  But it's odd to me, because the neighboring pond at the park has no algae at all.  Really makes me wonder why, and whether there's some critter I could import from there to here.  Going to bet it's a lot more complicated than that, though, ecosystems being what they are. 

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