Tuesday, August 9, 2016

LENS and Life, week of 8/9/16

August already!  Time is flying.  I have only a few months left before the wedding, and so much to do yet.  My dress is now in the process of being made, though, so that's a good start.  I've been dragging my feet on the flowers and other things, though...  If you recall a few Fridays back, the lack of my tablet is making me kinda miserable. 

Fortunately, that's about to end.  Sometime today, my tablet will be delivered to me.  The online thing said they'd fixed the LCD screen.  Now as long as there's nothing else wrong with it, I should be back to full functionality in a couple days.  (I have a lot of catchup to do on notifications, RSSes, and other things, otherwise the catchup would be immediate, I guess.)

I'm really looking forward to having it back.  I had to drive somewhere new yesterday and it was a lot more stressful than it should have been, even for a trip as simple as it was.  The address was quite literally north on the nearest major street...  but trying to find the address when not all houses bother listing their house numbers...while people behind you get very impatient and upset because you're driving around rush hour...  Ugh. 

LENS is still going, one site a week.  At this point it's probably safe to say it's going in maintenance mode, rather than active treatment mode.  Or at least that's the sense I'm getting from the doctor.  She's somewhat reserved on some things, so as to allow the people in her care the most personal choice without bias.  It's generally a good thing, but it's kind of frustrating on occasion.  I like straightforward answers and she doesn't necessarily give them if she thinks it might impede proper decision making.  Still much better than the alternative: a doctor that doesn't care what you want and overrides your opinions with their professional one. 

My illness seems to have more or less cleared up.  I checked with my doctor: apparently these things can stick around for weeks without actually being pneumonia or something awful.  And the fact that my life has been filled with stress, chronically, means this sort of thing is likely to happen more in the future.  Now there's an argument for de-stressing! 

Speaking of de-stressing, Chris and I will probably be taking more walks if my tablet works again, and more bike rides.  The fastest way to hatch eggs in Pokemon GO is to go for a bike ride, and we both have bikes.  But also, there's a few good places to go walking for Pokemon GO near Chris' work, so we could pack lunches or grab something quick and then go walking there.  I'm looking forward to the exercise and the together time. 

In the meantime, I'm trying to re-add vitamin B supplements into my routine...  I've previously had really unpleasant experiences with vitamin B, but this stuff is formulated to be both effective and yet not give you burps of "flavor."  The word is in quotes because vitamin B powder is one of the most horrid substances I've ever tasted.  Which may explain my extreme reluctance to try it again.  That, and the fact that there's already two doses of vitamin B in my diet due to the multivitamin and the zinc...

But B vitamin deficiency is a known issue in some people with autism, and I already paid for the bottle, so... SCIENCE!  Also, no ill effects thus far. 

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