Tuesday, January 5, 2016

LENS and Life, week of 12/29

One site today.  

Oof.  This might've been the best Christmas in a decade, but that didn't mean it was any less exhausting.  I effectively ran a metaphorical marathon this Christmas, complete with tons of traveling, a party with 25 new people, flailing between one event and the next, and much much much family time.  After all that exertion, I almost (but not quite) stuck the landing in getting back to my normal life in Michigan.

Yesterday early in the morning we got back from Detroit.  Directly after that, despite sleeping less than 5 hours, I threw myself into unpacking.  Last Christmas some of the smaller presents quite literally sat around until October or November, due to my inability to find a place for them.  I was determined that this Christmas, that would not happen.  I think I succeeded!  Clothes all put away, small edibles stored where I can easily devour them, larger presents put away, gift cards redeemed, etc.  I still need to stow my suitcase (actually, I need to get a new suitcase), but other than that I'm done!

Chris and I are looking for a place to live together in lieu of a house.  At present, I live in a tiny studio apartment of unnecessarily high rent costs for minimal conveniences.  He's hoping to get a 2 bedroom so we can have lots of space.  To that end, when he got out of work, we went to go see an apartment complex somewhat closer to his workplace.  It was pretty good, but was lacking a few features we'd like.  So we'll keep looking, but may end up there.  There are two other places, one of which I will likely see later today.  I'll be a little sorry to ditch this little apartment. It was my first home that was actually mine in name, rather than simply a dorm room or apartment.

So as this entry will post in the new year, I'll mention a couple things I'd like to do this coming year (starting now, but really getting serious come January).

1.  I need to start cooking more.  On this trip, I was fed lavishly by both my mother and Chris' mother.  The food was delicious, but more than that, it was filling.  It stuck with me.  I noticed that as the day wore on, I didn't get hungry and tired and miserable as much.  That could be partially because I was eating too much, but I'd bet it's also because the food was varied and nutritious.  In the past I've been trying to cook and eat more healthily, but it's hard because I hate cooking and don't have much freezer space.  Perhaps I can acquire more freezer space in the next place, but either way, I need to step up my game.  The more energy I have, the more likely I am to get things done and feel good about it.  And I need that right now.

2.  Somewhat contrary to point 1, I'd like to lose about 30 pounds over the course of the next year.  I was trying to lose 10ish last month, and it really just didn't work.  I limited calories, I stepped up my exercise, I started cutting sugar out of my diet, and lo and behold, I weigh just as much as I did before I started paying attention.  This is depressing.  Also bad for my knees.  It needs to stop.  I lost my 5 days a week momentum for exercise when the holidays began, but I'll be working my way back up to that as things settle down.  If Chris and I end up moving, I'll get some exercise hauling our stuff around, too.  Ideally, with better eating and the same amount of exercise, I should actually shed pounds.  If I don't, I'm going to have to head to the doctor and get my glands checked.  Maybe I can do that in conjunction with getting my sleeping checked...

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