Tuesday, November 3, 2015

LENS and Life, week of 10/27

One site today.  I yawned extra much in the car trip home, but that might be just the fact that I'm done for the week (LENS happened Thursday instead of Tuesday) and my body will be continuing to punish me for lack of sleep for... eh... another few days or so.

This week ends my time at Hope Network. I'll go into that in another entry, but this last week hasn't been too bad.  I have the weekend to look forward to, with Chris dragging me off to some mysterious outing, and then the long-awaited fondue excursion.

Craig's birthday has come and gone.  There was a party on Sunday for him, but it turned out that it was also for me.  Which I was initially annoyed by, but given how little both Craig and I like being the center of attention, it kinda worked.  Perhaps I'll push for a repeat next year.  What I really wasn't expecting, though, was presents.  I keep an online wishlist for friends and family to reference, and make a point of keeping it up to date.  However, most people don't use it, so I was quite surprised to see that both presents I got were on that list: two video games I'd wanted to try.  Yayyy.

We (my boyfriend and I) got Craig a poker set (because this group of friends is amused by playing for fun, without money) and a really excellent thermos.  The kind that you pour hot coffee or tea into, shut, and then can open 6 hours later and the drink is still hot.  I have one, and it's basically excellent.  Since Craig loves coffee and has an annoyingly long commute to work, it seemed to fit.  He seemed happy, so I think we "successed" (succeeded).

So now I just need to get through my birthday.  There's already a present here, probably from my parents.  Something ordered online, so I can't be 100% sure it's from them.  Chris is surprised I haven't opened it already, but it seems more like a birthday if there's a small pile of presents to open.  Grandma has arranged to take me out to lunch the day after my birthday, so there's that to look forward to.  She's probably going to hand me a gift bag with a few small things in it, since that's a thing she does for occasions.  She's thoughtful like that.

Beyond those things this weekend, I'm just going to be trying to relax.  Change is hard for humans, but particularly autistic humans.  Even good change.  I'm not having crying fits or anything, but it's going to be weird trying to get used to not having a desk job with routines I need to follow.

I'll probably try to compensate some by getting a gym membership at the exceedingly low-cost gym nearby, and going to visit Calvin or various coffee shops regularly, but it's not nearly as structured, even so.  Complicating factor: I hate structuring my free time.  Absolutely hate.  So I may have to designate some time as "not free time" even though it started as free time. 

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