Wednesday, August 12, 2015

LENS and Life, week of 8/4

Sick this week.  Still went to LENS, but mostly talked about medicine and colds.  I haven't had a cold for years at this point, so it helped to get a refresher.  My doctor also favors natural remedies, which I never learned about. So I get to struggle with my natural tendency towards homeopathy.

My prior exposures to homeopathy were mainly articles that designated it as snake oil (fake, for those as literal minded as me).  My doctor informs me that it's a mixed field,  just the same as pharmaceuticals.  In fact,  if you check the ingredients in prescription drugs, you'll often find homeopathy hiding beneath, because natural ingredients do in fact work just as well as manufactured ones, sometimes better.  Modern medicine had to start somewhere.  Go figure, not all the old remedies were placebo effect.

Beyond the cold, I'm playing this odd balancing act with work and health and leisure.  I've been spending much of my free time playing an MMO (massive multiplayer online [game]).  There's so much to do in the game, I didn't realize I wasn't having as much fun with it until recently.  (Whatever "fun" is.)  When I went off on vacation for a few days, my pattern of playing was broken and I had the chance to think about the game in terms besides, "I gotta do this and this and that."

I did start playing again when I got back, but not as much.  I'm doing more reading and trying to get back to eating healthier, rather than lazily.  (Eating healthy often means buying fruits and vegetables, preparing them, and remembering to eat the leftovers.  Very time intensive and effortful.  I may be able to reduce the time and effort by making freezer crockpot meals, but that's going to take a lot of time and effort to plan and put together, too.  Given that I presently lack both those things, this gets to be a circular problem.)

"Someday I hope to be a successful adult," says the 26 year old woman. 

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